동북아물류대학원 조교수 / 스마트물류공학전공 겸직
Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
[Work Experience]
2023 – Present Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Logistics at the Incheon National University
2022 Lecturer at the Seoul National University
2018-2022 Graduate Teaching Assistant at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2019 Research Intern at the District Department of Transportation (DDOT)
2017-2018 Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant at Virginia Tech
[Professional Services]
Reviewer for Journal of the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences; Journal of Transport Research; IET Intelligent Transport Systems; Maritime Policy and Management; Networks and Spatial Economics; Transportation; Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting; Transportation Research Part A Policy and Practice; Transportation Research Record; Travel Behaviour and Society; The COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals; International Journal of Sustainable Transportation; The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research; International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction; Nature Scientific Reports; Maritime Business Review; International Journal of Urban Sciences
인천시 물류정책위원회 위원
군 책임운영기관 성과평가 위원
Kim, D. and Kim, W.*, 2025. An Investigation into Continuance Intention to Use China-Based Cross-Border E-Commerce in South Korea : The Role of Perceived Risk. Korean Journal of Logistics. Accepted. (in Korean)
Kim, W. and Wang, X.C.*, 2024. Shopping Behavior Then and Now : How the Behavioral Shift Differs by Income Level and Urban Size. Travel Behaviour and Society, 36, 100782.
Kim, W. and Hur, S.*, 2024. Opinions Toward Delivery Drones and Robots from the Restaurant Perspective. Korean Journal of Logistics, 21 (3), 19-30. (in Korean)
Kim, W. and Hur, S.*, 2024. Why and Why Not? A Systematic Review of the Willingness to Accept Drone and Robot Deliveries. Transportation Research Record. Accepted.
Kim, W. and Hur, S.*, 2024. An Investigation of Behavioral Change Patterns of Eat-out Trip, Food Delivery, and Take-out Due to the COVID Pandemic : A Case Study in South Korea. Transportation Research Record. Accepted.
Wang, X.C., Kim, W.*, and Zhang, D. 2023. What to Do in Response to Toll Increases : A Behavioral Analysis of Freight Carriers in New York State. Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, 173, 103725.
Holguín-Veras, J., Wang, X.C., Ng, J., Ramirez-Rios, D., Wojtowicz, J., Calderon, O., Caron, B., Rivera-Gonzalez, C., Perez, S., Schmid, J., Kim, W., Ismael, A., Amaral, J.C., Lawson, C., and Hakke, D., 2022. Planning Freight-Efficient Land Uses: Methodology, Strategies, and Tools: Guidebook. NCHRP Report 998.
Kim, W. and Wang, X.C.*, 2022. The Adoption of Alternative Delivery Locations in New York City: Who and How Far? Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 158, 127-140.
Kim, W. and Wang, X.C.*, 2022. Double Parking in New York City: A Comparison between Commercial Vehicles and Passenger Vehicles. Transportation, 49 (5), 1315-1337.
Wang, X.C., Kim, W.*, Holguín-Veras, J. and Schmid, J., 2021. Adoption of Delivery Services in Light of the COVID Pandemic: Who and How Long? Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 154, 270-286.
Kim, W. and Wang, X.C.*, 2021. To be online or in-store: Analysis of retail, grocery, and food shopping in New York city. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 126, 103052.