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∙ Ha, M. H, Measurement, modelling and analysis of container port performance, PhD Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017
∙Ha, Min-Ho., Yang, Zaili and Jasmine Siu Lee Lam. Port performance in container transport logistics:
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∙ Ha, M. H. and Yang, Z., (2017). Comparative analysis of port performance indicators: Independency and interdependency. Transportation Research Part A:
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∙ Ha, M. H., Yang, Z., & Heo, M. W. (2017). A New Hybrid Decision Making Framework for Prioritising Port Performance Improvement Strategies.
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∙ Ha, M. H., & Ahn, K. M. (2017). Measurement of Port Service Quality in Container Transport Logistics Using Importance–Performance Analysis:
A Case of Busan Port. Journal of Korean Navigation and Port Reserch, 41(5), 353-358.
∙ Ha, Min-Ho and Yang, Zaili (2018). Modelling Interdependency among Attributes in MCDM –
Its Application in Port Performance Measurement to Paul Tae-Woo Lee and Zaili Yang (eds),
Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Maritime Studies and Logistics - Applications and Cases, International Series in Operations Research and Business Management, Springer.