Ph.D Dgree in Seoul National University (March, 2008 – Feb., 2012)
MS. Degree in Seoul National University (March, 2003 – Feb., 2006)
Visiting Scholar in Georgia Institute of Technology (Sep., 2004 – August, 2005)
BS Degree in Seoul National University (March, 1996 – Feb., 2003)
2012.2 ~ Present Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Logistics, Incheon National University
2005.9~ 2008.2 Senior Consultant, LG CNS Entrue Consulting Partners
1) Jihee Han, KwangSup Shin “Evaluation mechanism for structural robustness of supply chain
considering disruption propagation”, International Journal of Production Research, 2015, Online
published. (SCIE)
2) Wongchang Hur, Yongma Moon, Kwangsup Shin, Wooje Kim, Suchul Nam, Kijun Park,
“Economic Value of Li-ion Energy Storage System in Frequency Regulation Application from
Utility Firm’s Perspective in Korea”, Energies, 2015, 8, 5000-5017. (SCIE)
3) KwangSup Shin, Myoung-Ju Park, Jae-Yoon Jung, “Dynamic Task Assignment and Resource
Management in Cloud Service by using Bargaining Solution”, Concurrency and Computation:
Practice and Experience, Vol. 26, No. 7, pp. 1432-1452, 2013. (SCIE)
4) KwangSup Shin, Jae-Yoon Jung, Jang-Rea Lee, “Resource Allocation and Pricing Mechanisms for
Wireless Multimedia Service: Auction and Bargaining Models”, Journal of Internet Technology,
Vol. 14, No. 7, pp.1093-1103, 2013. (SCIE)
5) KwangSup Shin, Wonchang Hur, Wooje Kim, Yongma Moon, “A framework for business model
generation and economic analysis of smart grid hub”, Advanced Material Research, Vol. 732, pp.
1338-1341, 2013. (Scopus)
6) KwangSup Shin, Yong-Woo Shin, Ji-Hye Kwon, Suk-Ho Kang, “Development of risk based
dynamic backorder replenishment planning framework using Bayesian Belief Network”,
Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 716-725, 2012. (SCIE)
7) KwangSup Shin, Jae-Yoon Jung, DougYoung Suh, and Suk-Ho Kang, "Multimedia Service
Discrimination based on Fair Resource Allocation Using Bargaining Solutions", ETRI Journal,
Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 341-351, 2012. (SCI)
8) Suk-Ho Kang, Bokyoung Kang, KwangSup Shin, Deayoung Kim, Jihee Han, “A theoretical
framework for strategy development to introduce sustainable supply chain management”, Procedia
- Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 40, pp. 631-635, 2012. (Scopus)
1) Hyangki Moon, KwangSup Shin, “Designing Index for Assessing Structural Vulnerability of
Supply Chain considering Risk Propagation”, The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies, Vol.
20, No. 2, pp. 125-140, 2015.
2) Gyu-Sun Lee, Jae-Won Kim, Kwang-Sup Shin, “A Study on the Effective Data-driven Operating
and Optimization of Incoterms”, E-Trade Reviews, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.139-159, 2015.
3) KwangSup Shin, Yongma Moo, Wonchang Hur, Woo Je Kim, “Stakeholder Oriented Economical
Efficiency Analysis on the Scenario to Implement Smart Transportation Services”, Journal of the
Korea Society for Simulation, Vol 24, No. 1, pp. 35-43, 2015.
4) Sang-Hwa Song, Kwang-Sup Shin, Jae-Gon Kim, Jin-Young Jeong, “An Economic Feasibility
Study for Construction and Use of Korea Ocean Research Stations”, Journal of Society for
Korean Industrial System Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp.52-64, 2015.
5) Hyun-Kyoung Kim, KwangSup Shin, “Analysis and Improvement of Stocking and Releasing
Processes in Logistics Warehouse Using Process Mining Approach”, Journal of the Korean
Operations Research and Management Science Society, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 1-17, 2014.
6) Geonsik Jo, Junwoo Jeon, Hoyoung Lee, KwangSup Shin, “A Study on the Development of
Incheon International Airport using a Positioning Analysis: Focusing on Air Cargo”, Korean
Journal of Logistics, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 35-50, 2014.
7) KwangSup Shin, “Comparative Analysis of Game-Theoretic Demand Allocation for Enhancing
Profitability of Whole Supply Chain” The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies Vol. 19, No.
1, pp.43-61, 2014
8) KwangSup Shin, “Adaptive Framework for Designing R&D Project Management Process Using
Cloud Computing Technology”, The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies, Vol. 18, No. 4,
pp.25-43, 2013.
9) KwangSup Shin, “A Research on Logistics Service Innovation to Revitalizing the Used Car
Export Industry through Incheon Port”, Korean Journal of Logistics, Vol. 21. No. 6, pp. 1-16,
10) YoungHoon Lee, KwangSup Shin, Suk-Ho Kang, “Human Resource Allocation considering Task
Leverage Effect”, Entrue Journal of Information Technology, Vol.9, No.2, pp. 7-16, 2010.
11) KwangSup Shin, Jae-Yoon Jung, DougYoung Suh, Suk-Ho Kang, “Resource Allocation
Algorithm for Differentiated Multimedia Services using Game Theory”, Journal of Korean
Operations Research and Management Science Society, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 39-59, 2009.
12) Wookey Lee, KwangSup Shin, Sukho Kang, “PageRank Algorithm Using Link Context”, KISS
Database, Vol.33, No.7, pp. 708-714, Dec., 2006.
1) Jae-Won Kim, KwangSup Shin, “Development of Congestion Predicting Model using Real-time
Traffic Data and Spatial Information”, International Research Conference of Business
Economics and Science, Bangkok, Thailand. Feb. 2015.
2) Hyangk Moon, KwangSup Shin, “Designing Index for Assessing Structural Vulnerability of
Supply Chain considering Risk Propagation”, 2014 Fall Conference of Korean Society of Supply
Chain Management, Seoul, Korea, Nov., 14, 2014.
3) KwangSup Shin, Back-Chul Kwon, “Negotiation Model for Assuring Quality in Supply Chain
using Stackelberg Game”, 2014 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, Shanghai, China, April 19-20, 2014.
4) Hyung-Kyung, KwangSup Shin, “Analysis and Improvement of Stocking and Releasing
Processes in Logistics Warehouse Using Process Mining Approach”,2014 Fall Conference of
KORMS, Seoul, Korea, Nov, 2014 (Invited Talk).
5) Kyoung-Hoon Jeon, Sung-Chul Kim, KwangSup Shin, “Development of Efficient Strategies for
Korean LCC to Enter to the International Air Cargo Market”, 2014 Spring Conference of KLOG,
Seoul Korea, May, 23, 2014.
6) Geonsik Jo, Hoyoung Lee, Joon-Woo Jun, KwangSup Shin, “Analysis of Air Cargo Intensity of
Major Air ports in Eastern Asia”, 2014 Spring Conference of KLOG, Seoul Korea, May, 23,
7) Ying Wang, Jung-Hwa Lee, KwangSup Shin, “Quantitative Analysis on Criteria Influencing Air
Cargo Efficiency with DEA/window and Tobit Regression”, 2014 Spring Conference of KLOG,
Seoul Korea, May, 23, 2014.
8) KwangSup Shin, “Energy Demand Forecasting Methodologies – Heat and Electricity”, 2014
Spring Conference of Korean Society of Supply Chain Management, Seoul, Korea, May, 30,
9) Jin-Ho Son, KwangSup Shin, “Research on Location Selection Method Development for Storing
Service Parts using Data Analytics”, 2014 Spring Joint Conference of KORMS and KIIE, Busan,
Korea, May, 17, 2014.
10) Hyung-Kyung, KwangSup Shin, “Analysis and Improvement of Stocking and Releasing
Processes in Logistics Warehouse Using Process Mining Approach”,2014 Spring Joint
Conference of KORMS and KIIE, Busan, Korea, May, 17, 2014.
11) KwangSup Shin, “Evaluation Mechanism for Structural Robustness of Supply Chain using Social
Network Analysis”, 2014 Asia Pacific Social Science Conference, Seoul, Korea, Jan. 10, 2014.
12) KwangSup Shin, Wonchang Hur, Wooje Kim, Yongma Moon, “Development of Installing and
Operating Smart Grid Infrastructure and Analysis of Economic Feasibility considering
Characteristics of Hub Cities”, 2013 Spring Joint Conference of KORMS and KIIE, Yeosu,
Korea, May, 24-25, 2014.
13) KwangSup Shin, “Game Theoretic Resource Management and Service Discrimination in Cloud
Computing”, 2012 Fall Conference of KORMS, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 11, 2012.
14) KwangSup Shin, “Comparative Analysis of Game Theoretic Demand Allocation Mechanisms to
Enhance Efficiency of Supply Chain Operation”, 2012 Spring Joint Conference of KORMS and
KIIE, Kyoungju, Korea, May 10-11, 2012.
15) KwangSup Shin, Baek-Chul Kwon, Suk-ho Kang, "Design of Open Innovative Service
Development System using Cloud Computing", 21st International Conference on Production
Research(ICPR21), Sttutgart, Germany, 2011
16) KwangSup Shin, Jae-Yoon Jung, YongWoo Shin, Sukho Kang, "Development of Ontology Map
for Knowledge Management System", WORLDCOMP'10-The 2010 World Congress in
Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, U.S., 2010.
17) KwangSup Shin, YongWoo Shin, Jihye Kwon, Sukho Kang, "Development of Risk Based
Dynamic Path Finding Framework using Bayesian Belief Network", The 40th International
Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Osaka, Japan, 2010 (Selected Paper)
18) Jaeshin Lee, Bokyoung Kang, Kwangsup Shin, Sukho Kang, "Online Process Monitoring
Scheme for Fault Detection Based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Local Outlier
Factor (LOF)", The 40th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, Awaji
Yumebutai, Hyogo, Japan, 2010
19) K. Shin, J. Kwon, S. Kang, "Dynamic Flow Control Model for Balancing Inventory Level", 20th
International conference on Production Research, Shanghai, China, 2009
20) Yong-Woo Shin, KwangSup Shin, Suk-Ho Kang, "Development of Business Process
Management Framework Considering Relationship among Key Performance Indicators ", 2010
Spring Joint Conference of KORMS and KIIE, Jeju Island, Korea, 2010.
21) Jaeshin Lee, Bokyoung Kang, Kwangsup Shin, Suk-Ho Kang, "Improvement of SLA in Cloud
Computing using ICA and LOF", Joint Conference of KORMS and KIIE, Jeju Island, Korea,
22) Ji-Hye Kwon, KwangSup Shin, Suk-Ho Kang, “Dynamic Supply Chain Management Model for
Balanced Inventory Level”, 2009 Spring Joint Conference of KORMS and KIIE, Pusan, Korea,
23) Nam-Hun Lee, KwangSup Shin, Young-Bin Min, Suk-Ho Kang, “Development of Supporting
Framework for Business Process Innovation using Version Management and Case-Based
Reasoning”, 2008 Fall Conference of Korea Institute of Industrial Engineering, Seoul, Korea,
24) KwangSup Shin, Jae-Yoon Jung, Doug-Young Suh, Suk-Ho Kang, “Resource Allocation
Algorithm for Differentiated Multimedia Services using Game Theory”, 2008 Fall Conference of
The Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society, Seoul, Korea, 2008 (The
Best Paper)
Outstanding Paper at the 2015 Conference of Society of Korea Industrial and System Engineering
The Best Paper in Theoretical Area at the 2008 Fall Conference. of Korean Operations Research and
Management Science Society.
Board Membership
1) Korea Big Data Society, 2013-present
2) Korean Logistics Society, 2012~ present
Reviewer of Articles
1) Refereed international Journals
- Computers and Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Production Research, International
Journal of Production Economics, European Journal of Operations Research, Industrial Management
and Data Systems, Journal of Internet Technology. ETRI Journal,
2) Refereed Korean Journals
- Several journals such as Korean Journal of Logistics, E-Trade Reviews, The Journal of Society for
e-Business Studies, Journal of Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society,
Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers