Name in Full: Gi-Tae Yeo, 여 기 태 (呂 奇 泰)
Current Position: Professor
1. PhD in Shipping and Logistics at University of Plymouth in 2007. (Thesis: Port competitiveness in Northeast Asia: an integrated fuzzy approach to expert evaluations)
2. MPhil in Shipping and Logistics at University of Plymouth in 2006.
3. PhD in Logistic System Engineering at Korea Maritime University in 1999. (Thesis: A Study on the Development of Dynamic Models under Inter Port Competition)
4. ME in Maritime Transport Science at Korea Maritime University in 1995. (Thesis: On the Evaluation Algorithm of Hierarchical Process using Lambda Fuzzy Integral)
5. BE in Nautical Science at Korea Maritime University in 1990.
1. Dean, the Graduate School of Logistics, University of Incheon, 2015-present
2. Professor, the Graduate School of Logistics, University of Incheon, 2011-present. 3. Associate Professor, the Graduate School of Logistics, University of Incheon, 2008-2011.
4. Full-time Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Distribution and Trade, WooSuk University, 2000- 2008.
- Optimization for logistics system and supply chain management
- Modelling, simulation and evaluation for logistics systems and SCM - FANG (Fuzzy, Artificial Intelligent, Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm)
- Decision making using AHP, HFI, HFP, MDMG-HFP and Inverse Relation of Fuzzy Evaluation
- International container shipping and logistics
- Logistics Management
- Competition and co-operation among logistics systems
- Operation Research
Chapters in books
G.T. Yeo and S.H. Jo (2007) ‘ Busan and Kwangyang: one country and two port system in K. Cullinane and D. Song (eds), Ports in Asia: Development, Competition and Co-operation, Macmillan Publishers, 225-237.
G.T. Yeo and D.W. Song (2015) ‘ A Competitive Analysis of Chinese Container Ports Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Hercules Haralambides (eds), Port Management (Palgrave Readers in Economics), Palgrave Publishers.
Refereed international journal papers
1) G.T. Yeo and D.W. Song (2004), A competitive analysis of Chinese container ports using the analytic hierarchy process, Journal of Maritime Economics and Logistics, Vol 6, No 1, pp. 34-52
2) G.T. Yeo and D.W. Song (2005), The hierarchical analysis of perceived competitiveness: an application to Korean container ports, Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 866-880.
3) G.T. Yeo and D.W. Song (2006), An application of the hierarchical fuzzy process to container port competition: policy and strategic implications, Transportation, Vol. 33, No 4, pp. 409-422,
4) G.T. Yeo, M. Roe and S.M. Soak (2007), Evaluation of marine traffic congestion of North Harbour in Busan port, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol .133(2), pp. 87-93.
5) S. M. Soak, S. W. Lee, G.T. Yeo(corresponding authorship) and M. G. Jeon (2008), An Effective Evolutionary Algorithm for the Multiple Container Packing Problem, Progress in Natural Science, Vol 18, pp. 337-344.
6) G.T. Yeo, M. Roe, J. Dinwoodie (2008), Evaluating the competitiveness of container ports in Korea and China, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE, Vol 42, pp. 910921.
7) G.T. Yeo, D. Song, M. Roe, J. Dinwoodie (2010), Weighting the competitiveness factors for container ports under conflicting interests, JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY, Vol 61, pp. 1249-1257.
8) G.T. Yeo, M. Roe, J. Dinwoodie (2011), Measuring the competitiveness of container ports: logisticians' perspectives, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING, Vol 45, pp. 455-470.
9) J. Park, G.T. Yeo (2012), An evaluation of greenness of major Korean ports: A fuzzy set approach, The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, DOI information: 10.1016/j.ajsl.2012.04.004 (Forth coming)
10) J Y Park, G T Yeo, An Evaluation of Greenness of major Korean ports :A Fuzzy Set Approach, The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics(SCOPUS), Vol .28(1), pp. 67-82, 2012. 04
11) Gi-Tae Yeo, Ji-Yeong Park, Zaili Yang, Analysis of dynamic effects on seaports adopting port security , Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice(SSCI), Volume 49, January 2013, Pages 285–301.
12) Gi-Tae Yeo, Ying Wang and Chien-Chang Chou, Evaluating the competitiveness of the aerotropolises in East Asia, Journal of Air Transport Management (SSCI), Volume 32, September 2013, Pages 24–31
13) Ying Wang, Chien-Chang Chou and Gi-Tae Yeo, Application and Improvement of a System Dynamics Model to Forecast the Volume of Containers", Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (SCOPUS), Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 187-196 (2013)
14) Gi-Tae Yeo, Adolf K.Y. Ng, Paul T.W. Lee, Zaili Yang,Modelling Port Choice in an Uncertain Environment, Maritime Policy and Management, Maritime Policy & Management, 2013
15) Vinh V. Thai, Gi-TaeYeo, A CROSS-COUNTRY COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PORT COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTS AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (SSCI), (Work Submitted)
16) An evaluation of container shipping supply chain integration: A Korea port logistics and freight forwarders’ perspective, Chung-Shan Yang , Vinh V. Thai, Gi-TaeYeo, Transport reviews(SSCI), (Work Submitted)
17) Thai, Vinh V.; Yeo, Gi-Tae Perceived Competencies Required for Maritime Logisticians in Singapore and South Korea, International Journal of Logistics Management, (Work Submitted)
18) Ying Wang, Kyung-Ae Jung, Gi-Tae Yeo, Chien-Chang Chou, Selecting a cruise port of call location using the fuzzy-AHP method: A case study in East Asia, Tourism Management(SSCI) Volume 42, June 2014, Pages 262–270
19) Taehwee Lee, Gi-TaeYeo, VinhV.Thai, Environmental efficiency analysis of port cities: Slacksbased measure data envelopment analysis approach, Transport Policy(SSCI), Volume 33, March 2014, pages 82–88
20) Chung-Shan Yang, Gi-Tae Yeo, Thai Van Vinh, The effects of intra- and extra-organisational integration capabilities in the container shipping freight industry, International Journal of LogisticsResearch and Applications(SSCI) ,Volume 18, No. 4, July 2014, Pages 325–341
21) Ji-Yeong Pak, Gi-Tae Yeo, Se-Woong Oh, Zaili Yang, Port safety evaluation from a captain’s perspective: The Korean experience ,Safety Science(SCI), Volume 72, September 2014, Pages 172– 181
22) Ying Wang, Gi-TaeYeo, Adolf K.Y.Ng, Choosing optimal bunkering ports for liner shipping companies: A hybrid Fuzzy-Delphi-TOPSIS approach, Transport Policy(SSCI), Volume 35, June 2014, Pages 358–365
23) Sung-il PARK, Ying WANG, Gi-tae YEO, Adolf K.Y. NG, System dynamics modeling for determining optimal ship sizes and types in coastal liner services, Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics(SCOPUS), Volume 30, April 2014, Pages 31–50
24) Taehwee LEE, Gi-tae YEO, Vinh V. THAI,Changing concentration ratios and geographical patterns of bulk ports: The case of the Korean West Coast, Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics(SCOPUS), Volume30, No.2, August 2014, Pages 155–173
25) Taehwee LEE, Gi-Tae YEO, Vinh V. THAI, Structural Analysis of Port Brand Equity Using Structural Equation Modeling, Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics(SCOPUS), Volume 30, No.3, December 2014, Pages 349–372
26) Vinh Van Thai , Gi-Tae YEO, Perceived competencies required for container shipping logisticians in Singapore and South Korea, International Journal of Logistics Management(SSCI), Volume 26, No.2, Pages 334–355
27) Zi-Yao DING, Geon-Sik JO, Ying WANG, Gi-Tae YEO, The Relative Efficiency of Container Terminals in Small and Medium-Sized Ports in China, The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics(SCOPUS), Volume 31, NO.2, June 2015, Pages 231–251
1) A Study on Evaluation of Development Priority Order and Scheme for Redevelopment Target Area in Busan Port, International Conference of The Korea Port Economic Association Yeo-Su, Korea, June 28, 2002.
2) An evaluation of container ports in China and Korea with the analytical hierarchy process - The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Fukuoka, 29 Oct.,2003.
3) On the Consideration of Logistics Network Establishment and Priority Evaluation between Korea and China Using AHP method, Proceeding of 2004 International Conference, Co-Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of KPEA and 80th Anniversary of Ocean University of China, Qingdao, 22-23 October, China, 2004.
4) Logistics service in container shipping market - Is it really logistics? Logistics Research Networks Annual Conference, 7-9 September 2005, at the University of Plymouth, UK. International Journal of Logistics, pp.205-210, 2005.
5) Quantification of experts' knowledge for port competitiveness using trapezoid fuzzy number, Proceeding of the 4th International Gwangyang Port Forum and International Conference of Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 19-21 April, 2006. pp 664-694, Kwangyang, Korea.
6) An Analysis on the Effect of Terminal Operation by Affecting Factors on Container Traffic Volume-Focusing on A Container Terminal in Port of Incheon, 1-3 July 2010, pp. 59-73. Incheon Korea
7) A study on Selection Criteria of Green Port and Evaluation of Major Korean Port, International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, 15 - 17th September 2010, Busan Korea
8) Risk Management Framework of Investments on Port Infrastructure using System Dynamics, 911 December 2010, Incheon Korea
9) Evaluating competitiveness of aerotropolis in China, The 4th International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logistics, pp. 502-517, Tainan, Taiwan, 5-6 May 2011
10) Formulating the Competency Framework for Maritime Logistics Professionals, Vinh Van Thai, Gi-Tae Yeo, International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports, Hong Kong, 30 May 2012
11) Evaluating the sustainability of the port-city, Seosan International Port Forum 2012, Korea, Taehwee Lee, Gi-Tae Yeo
12) Measuring eco-efficiency on port cities,The 5th International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logistics 8-11 July 2012, Yeosu, Korea, Taehwee Lee, Gi-Tae Yeo
13) Efficiency Analysis of Korean Major Ship management corporations, the 7th International Gwangyang Port Forum 2012, August 2012, Seoul, Korea, Junwoo Jeon, Taehwee Lee, Gi-Tae Yeo
14) A Study on Forecasting Bulk Cargo Volumes - Focusing on Wood Cargo -, the 7th International Gwangyang Port Forum 2012, August 2012, Seoul, Korea, Junwoo Jeon, Taehwee Lee, Gi-Tae Yeo
15) Modeling port choice in an uncertain environment,Gi-Tae Yeo, Adolf K.Y. Ng, Paul T.W. Lee, Zaili Yang, The IAME 2012 Conference, 6 – 8 September, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
16) Fuzzy AHP method for selecting the port of call of cruise ship in east asia, Kyung-Ae Jung, Ying Wang, Gi-Tae Yeo, and Chien-Chang Chou, The IAME 2012 Conference, 6 – 8 September, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
17) Taehwee Lee , Gi-Tae Yeo, Vinh V. Thai, How to build up the Port Brand Equity?, August 30 – 31, 2013, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
18) Sung-il Park, Ying Wang, Gi-tae Yeo, Adolf K.Y. Ng System dynamics modeling for determining the optimal ship sizes and types in coastal liner service, August 30 – 31, 2013, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
19) Jun-woo Jeon, Ying Wang, Gi-Tae YEO, Policy recommendations to Korean ship safety for the application of System Dynamics, International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logistics 2015. 6. (Scopus, Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics), Hanoi, Vietnam
20) Ying Wang, Gi-Tae YEO, A Study on International Multimodal Transport Network: Focus on Second-hand Vehicle, International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logistics 2015. 6(Scopus), 24-27, Hano, Vietnam
Books (in Korean)
1) G.T. Yeo, et al, Logistics Machinery, HyoSung Publishers, Busan, Korea, 238 pages, 1999, ISBN 89-86750-59-7
2) G.T. Yeo, et al, Cargo Transportaion, HyoSung Publishers, Busan, Korea, 238 pages, 1999, ISBN 89-86750-59-7
3) G.T. Yeo, et al, Logistics Law, HyoSung Publishers, Busan, Korea, 306 pages, 2000, ISBN 8986750-77-5
4) G.T. Yeo, et al, Theory of Logistics Information, HyoSung Publishers, Busan, Korea, 451 pages, 2000, ISBN 89-86750-73-2
5) G.T. Yeo, History of Logistics, CheongNam Publishers, Seoul, Korea, 2012
6) G.T. Yeo, et al, Logistics in Northeast Asia , BakYeongSaPublishers, Seoul, Korea, 2013, IBSN 9788964543511
7) G.T. Yeo, Maritime Transportation, DuNam Publishers, Seoul, Korea, 2013, IBSN 9788964144336
Refereed Korean journal papers:
1) G.T. Yeo, C.Y. Lee, On the Evaluation Algorithm of Hierarchical Process using Ramda Fuzzy Integral, Journal of the Society of Maritime Safety, Vol.2, No.1, pp 97-106, 1996. 01, Korea.
2) H.S. Rho, G.T. Yeo, C.Y. Lee, J.S. Choi, On the Evaluation of Physical Distribution Service in Ports, Journal of the Korean Institute of Port Research, Vol.10, No.2, pp. 17-29, 1996. 12, Korea
3) S.Y. Yoo, G.T. Yeo, C.Y. Lee, An analysis of Container Logistics System by Computer Simulation, Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation, Vol.21, No.1, pp. 1-11, 1997. 03, Korea
4) G.T. Yeo, C.Y. Lee, A Strategic Considerations for Optimization of Physical Distribution in Container Terminal, Journal of the Korean Institute of Port Research, Vol.11, No.2, pp. 145-156, 1997. 12, Korea
5) G.T. Yeo, J.Y. Goo., Evaluation of the needed CY Area in Busan Port under the On Dock Operating System, Journal of the Korean Institute of Port Research, Vol.11, No.2, pp. 157-172, 1997. 12, Korea
6) G.T. Yeo, A Study on the Evaluation of Port Cargo Volumes in competition by Hierarchical Fuzzy Process Method, Journal of the YangSan College, Vol.1, pp. 287-302, 1998. 05, Korea
7) G.T. Yeo, C.Y. Lee, On the competitive Model among Northeast Asia Port by System Dynamics Method, Journal of the Korean Institute of Port Research, Vol.12, No.1, pp. 1-8, 1998. 06, Korea
8) G.T. Yeo, C.Y. Lee, A Study on the Development of Expanded System Dynamics method under consideration of Port Competition, The Journal of the Korean Association of Shipping Studies, Vol.27, pp 249-274, 1998. 12, Korea
9) G.T. Yeo, C.H. Park, H.S. Rho, H.K. Jeon, A Study on the Evaluation of Logistic Capacity among Industrial Classification, Korea Korean Journal of Logistics, Vol.6, No.2, pp. 27-52, 1998. 12, Korea
10) G.T. Yeo, C.Y. Lee, A Study on the Development of Dynamic Models under Inter Port Competiton, Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation, Vol.23, No.1, pp. 75-84, 1999. 03, Korea
11) C.Y. Lee, G.T. Yeo, H. Kim, On the Development Strategy of the Container Port coping with the Innovation Process of Logistics - Status analysis of the Third-Party Logistics in International Logistics, Journal of the Korean Institute of Port Research, Vol.13, No.2, pp. 199-213, 1999. 12, Korea
12) C.Y. Lee, K.J. Kang, G.T. Yeo, The Development Strategy of the Container Port in the Innovation Process of Logistics-Development Strategy of the Container Port, Journal of the Korean Institute of Port Research, Vol.14, No.1, pp 1-11, 2000. 03, Korea
13) J.Y. Goo, G.T. Yeo, Evaluation of the Traffic Congestion in the Passage Ⅰ of Busan Harbour due to the Opening of the Extend Terminal adjacent to the Gamman Terminal and Other Port Developments, Journal of the Korean Institute of Port Research, Vol.14, No.1, pp. 27-35, 2000. 03, Korea
14) G.T. Yeo, C.Y. Lee, Development of Competitive Port Model Using the Hybrid Mechanism of System Dynamics Methods and Hierarchical Fuzzy Process Methods, Korean System Dynamics Society, Vol.1, pp 103-131, 2000. 05, Korea
15) G.T. Yeo, H.S. Rho, C.H. Park, A Study on the Evaluation of Harbor & Coastal Cruising Routes in Busan, The Journal of the Korean Association of Shipping Studies, Vol.30, pp 135-161, 2000. 06, Korea
16) H.S. Rho, G.T. Yeo, C.H. Park, Evaluating the Influence to Regional Economy According to the Type of Port Authority by HFP method, Korea Port Economics Review, Vol.16, pp 377-400, 2000. 08, Korea
17) C.H. Park, G.T. Yeo, H.S. Rho, Study of Establish of the Northeast Asian Port Logistics Networks focused on the South and North Korean Ports, The Journal of the Korean Association of Shipping Studies, Vol.31, pp 91-116, 2000. 12, Korea
18) S.W. Oh, G.T. Yeo, C.Y. Lee, A Study on Dynamic Models for Ports and Regional Economy, Journal of the Korean Institute of Port Research, Vol.14, No.4, pp. 387-394, 2000. 12, Korea
19) G.T. Yeo, The Effects of Container Port Infrastructures on their Competitiveness of Southeast Asia Countries, The Southeast Asian Review, Vol.11, No.1, pp. 179-203, 2001. 02, Korea
20) J.Y. Goo, G.T. Yeo, Evaluation of Congestion in the Entrance Channels – A Comparative Study on the Entrance Channels of Major Ports in Korea-, The Journal of the Korean Association of Shipping Studies, Vol.33, pp 113-129, 2001. 12, Korea
21) C.H. Park, G.T. Yeo, Introduction of Free Trade Zone to Port of Inchon in Korea, Korea Port Economics Review, Vol.17 No2, pp 377-400, 2001. 12, Korea
22) G.T. Yeo, Success Factors of Free Zone System in Northeast Asia, Journal of International Regional Studies, Vol.6, pp 3-34, 2002. 4, Korea
23) G.T. Yeo, A Study on Strategy for Development of Gunsan and Janghang Port, Journal of International Trade, Vol.17, pp 209-232, 2002. 5, Korea
24) H.G. Lee, G.T. Yeo, H.G. Ryu, A Study on the Classification of Chinese Major Ports based on Competitiveness Level, Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation, Vol.27, pp 315-320, 2003. 8, Korea
25) K.C. Lee, S.H. Seo, H.G. Jeon, C.H. Park, G.T. Yeo, A Base Study of Integrated Map for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Journal of The Korean Association of Regional Geographers, Vol.9, pp 425-436, 2003. 12, Korea
26) G.T. Yeo, A Direction for System Design to Develop the Integrated Management System of Free Zone, Journal of Korean Logistics Academy, Vol.13, pp 115-137, 2003. 12, Korea
27) G.T. Yeo, A Direction A Structural Analysis of Developing Strategies for Activation in Gunsan Free Trade Zone, Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation, Vol.27, pp 569-576, 2003. 12, Korea
28) G.T. Yeo, A Study on Selecting Target Areas & Establishing Directions for Redevelopment of Busan Port, Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea, Vol.6, pp 403-419, 2003. 12, Korea
29) G.T. Yeo, Extraction of Critical Success Factor and Establishment of Structural Model for Korea as an International Logistics Hub, Korea Logistics Review, Vol. 14, No.2, pp. 27-47, 2004.7
30) G.T. Yeo, An Establishment and Evaluation System of Improving Urban Logistics Using QFD Model, Journal of the Korean Association of Shipping Studies, Vol. 41 pp. 119-140, 2004.6
31) G.T. Yeo, H.G. Lee, H.G Lyu, Exploring Study on the Extraction of Port Competitiveness Components and Evaliation Structure under the Consideration of Competitive Situation among Ports in Korea and China, Journal of International Business, Vol.19, No.3, pp.151-171, 2004.9
32) G.T. Yeo et al., A Study on the Analysis of Competitiveness in Container Ports of Shanghai and North China & Korea Using MDMG-HFP Process & Inverse Relation of Fuzzy Evaluation, Journal of the Korean Association of Shipping Studies, Vol.42, pp.45-69. 2004.9
33) G.T. Yeo et al., Extraction of Port Selection Factors for Increasing Shippers’ Attraction of Small and Medium Ports, Journal of the Korean Association of Shipping Studies, Vol.43, pp.33-53, 2004.12
34) G.T. Yeo, E. B. Park, R. Y. Kang,, Model Development for Increasing Shippers’ Attraction of Small and Medium Ports-with the Focus on Gunsan Ports, Korea Port Economics Review, Vol.20, pp 141-151, 2004. 9
35) G.T. Yeo, C. H. Park, S. W. Seo, On the Consideration of Logistics Network Establishment and Priority Evaluation between Korea and China Using AHP method, Journal of Korea Port Economic Association, Vol.20(2), pp. 169-186, 2004.12.
36) G.T. Yeo et al., On the Adjustment of Weight of Multiple Decision Making Group Problems, Journal of Korean Navigation and Port Research, Vol.29, No.1, pp. 59-64, 2005.
37) G.T. Yeo, J. B. Park, Establishment of Regional Logistics System and Suggestion for Strategic Policies in Cheonbuk, Journal of Korea Port Economic Association, Vol.22(1), pp. 87-104, 2006.3.
38) G.T. Yeo, Systematic Classification of Container Ports in European Union Countries, Journal of The Korean Association of Regional Geographers, Vol.12, No.3, pp.382-391, 2006.6